When it comes to summer vacation most parents start to wonder the inevitable: What are we going to do with the kids ALL summer? Well there is one brand that can take the guessing out of it! Throw on some leather moccasins and your favorite tee meant for exploration and get outside. Summer is for adventure! This brand’s main quest is getting families outside and they do so by outfitting families for adventure. It all starts in our mindset. Let me introduce you to, The Wild Folk Co.
In a world of electronics The Wild Folk Co has taken a stand to push the importance of getting outside and exploring with your children. Yes, technology is a part of our world and our kid’s world but they stress the importance of balance. The Wild Folk Co uses their clothes and moccasins to send a message and the message is clear! The world is a big beautiful place and we should all get outside and enjoy it. Be wild and free and instill a sense of wanderlust in our children. These are the reasons I am such a huge supporter of this shop. I truly love their message but their gear is amazing too!
Lets start with their moccasins. HANDMADE by Melinda, the shop owner herself, each pair of moccasins is a piece of art. Attention to detail and every stitch shows when you hold them for the first time. Although they are a gorgeous accessory to your kids wardrobe these shoes are made to last. They are made for adventure. For the outdoors, the mud, the trails, the beach. We have tested it all! Their moccasins are perfect for baby’s first shoes but also perfect for well in to toddler-hood. They are adaptable to the foots natural movement allowing their little feet to be supported in the most natural of ways. I love how lightweight they are and not clunky. With my first I ran out and bought her walking shoes as soon as she showed interest in walking but I feel as though they were heavy and bulky and didn’t allow for natural foot function. You can shop their adorable moccasin collection HERE.

As for clothes, they don’t disappoint there either. They offer infant to adult options including youth sizing, which is hard to find in the handmade community! Their designs stay true to their message and don’t lack comfort either. Every shirt is made to order, again, by Melinda herself. Shop their tees HERE.
At The Wild Folk Co you can also find lots of accessories from Baltic teething necklaces to pacifier clips. So many choices and all right on trend. Find them HERE.
I hope you enjoyed learning more about this amazing brand and if anything I hope it has inspired you do something adventurous today! Get outside and enjoy Mother Nature and all her beauty! Turn off the TV, unplug the electronics and GO! And remember, when you purchase from this shop you are supporting this mama who took a leap of faith to get her message out through her gear all while supporting her family.
JUST FOR MY READERS: Use code HAPPY for 20% off your entire purchase now! Enjoy!
Thanks for reading!
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