There is nothing scarier than walking out of the hospital holding a 7lbs 12 oz bundle of joy and thinking to yourself, “Where is the user manual for this thing?” Having a newborn comes with an array of concerns from the moment you make them home. Concerns from, are they gaining weight properly, getting enough nutrition, having the proper amount of poopy or wet diapers. You would love to keep track of this but with the extreme lack of sleep your brain doesn’t stand a chance. How many hours did they sleep anyways? Again, it’s too hard to keep up with so you do what every parent does. You worry, you wonder and you just keep trucking. Well now you don’t have to, now you can let technology be your middle of the night sidekick or you’re lactation consultant and your personal data assistant. Because now there is a product that can help you do every single thing above. Say hello to the smart changing pad by Hatch Baby!
The Smart Changing Pad by Hatch Baby is the first of its kind. Their mission at Hatch Baby is to, “bring parents a series of smart products that use technology, data, and modern design to help make caring for a baby a lot easier” and they have done just that with this product. From tracking weight gain, feeding, diapers, sleep and stats this smart changing pad does it all! The best part of all is the ability to get all this information at your fingertips whenever you need it by using their accompanying Hatch App on your iPhone or Android smartphone. This brings modern parenting to an entirely new level!
Weight: The Smart Changing Pad allows you to weigh your baby whenever you please. And not only weigh your baby but save and track the weight of your baby for future reference. It also compares the growth percentile to the worldwide (WHO) data and hatch babies of the same age and gender as yours. No more worrying if your baby is gaining weight because it will be right there for your own eyes to see. With simple click it instantly sends that data to your phone and saves it so your brain doesn’t have to!
Feeding: The first thing one does if they think their baby isn’t drinking enough is usually run over to their nearest lactation support to help them. And of course having that is still very important but being able to have the tools to track this on your own is so much easier! Simply weigh baby before they eat and then immediately after and track how much your baby is actually drinking at every feeding to determine if they are on track. Watching them grow and tracking these feedings will give you peace of mind but it will also help you collect data for when they start moving to a bottle. I always wondered how much my daughter was getting per feeding and it was always a guessing game of how much milk to leave her when we headed out for a date night. There doesn’t need to be any guessing anymore because the information will be in the data!
Diapers: This Smart Changing Pad helps you to easily record diaper changes (wet or poopy) at every change. So when your baby isn’t feeling well and your pediatrician asks, “Are they having consistent wet diapers?” you will have that information to provide. As soon as my little ones start to feel ill I always start second guessing just that. Did they have a certain amount of wet diapers today, yesterday, and overnight? And my mind starts to panic. Well panic no more because again, your personal baby assistant has this entirely ready for viewing and easily shareable with your care providers.
Sleep: Half the battle of having a newborn is sleep. There are thousands of books out there promising to make your baby sleep yet there you are, waking up every few hours feeling completely and totally spent. What I have learned after having two babies is that figuring out their sleep patterns was half the battle! This Smart Changing Pad is perfect for this. You can easily track sleeping time and discover your babies natural sleep patterns to help your child get the best rest possible (and mommy too!)
In all, this is a product that I wish I had sooner for my girls and one that I highly recommend to new moms and dads everywhere! After working in collaboration with Hatch Baby I have fallen in love and truly feel this product solves many of the modern parents needs in the confusing and exhausting newborn days! Do yourself a favor and check them out now for more details! This will be your baby whispering friend for sure!
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